
Welcome to the PARISwiki!

...your info source (along with the Paris Forums), for all things related to the obsolete but brilliant PARIS digital audio workstation...

There are many options for browsing the data here; scroll down the page for a "quick reference" table of contents; browse the RecentChangesMindMap Recent Changes MindMap; search for a particular term from the "search" box in each page's header; browse the PageIndex full page index - or just browse around and enjoy.

Got a PARIS issue in the middle of a session - no time to browse? Jump straight to BugsTroubleshooting Bugs, Troubleshooting and the Error Code Compendium (and if you're here to diagnose a problem-in-progress: before you go any further, if you've got an error message in PARIS staring you in the face right now with unsaved work at risk, then if PARIS will let you: alt-tab to the Project Window, and ctrl-shift-S to save your project under a new name and then you can proceed to troubleshoot with less panic).

UPDATE, Q2 2018: PARIS ASIO 64-bit drivers nearing completion!
[Watch this space for the details as available!]]
Mike Audet's topping his stellar work on the rock-solid 32-bit ASIO drivers with his upcoming 64 bit drivers. See here for an explanation of what the CurrentAudetStatus current driver "state of the art" is. I'm testing them and they are already solid and functional!

UPDATE, Q1 2016: PARIS 3.01 - PACE-free - released to the community
Sorry folks, this one turned out to have a big "gotcha". As far as I can gather, 3.01 was released with ID's blessing but they never did authorize a PACE-free version. So out of an abundance of caution we're prohibiting any links to it from the forums anyway and will be discouraging public discussion of any means of obtaining it until ID clarifies its status. I know it makes little sense since it can be easily found floating around the community and we can't exactly police what you say to each other via email, but one of the chilling effects of the DMCA is that the forums can't involve themselves in hosting, linking or distributing it. FYI 3.01 kills some bugs and adds a couple of new interesting ones - on balance it's an improvement though, and it's pretty cool to see!
All the details available here! Incredibly, the day has come - the Windows version of PARIS 3.01 (a small incremental tweak to 3.0 dating from 2001 that never saw the light of day), has been released courtesy of Edmund Pirali - but WITHOUT PACE COPY PROTECTION! This is a game-changer as the cripplingly obsolete PACE copy protection was the only impediment to updating to a modern OS. Great thanks to Edmund and to BrianTankersley Brian Tankersley for making this happen! We'll start doing an in-depth assessment of 3.01's changes ASAP - right now we're pretty sure a few bugs are squashed (the "now line cursor freezing" bug is gone) and a couple of new ones have found their way in (the destructive editing in the Audio Editor doesn't seem to be working) but there's lots more digging to do. For those updating from 2.2, knock yourselves out - for those currently on 3.0, keep both so you can switch back as needed.

This most excellent BrianTankersley Brian Tankersley/AaronAllen Aaron Allen BrianTankersleyDVD tutorial DVD collaboration has been released into the wild with their blessing - check it out on Vimeo. Absolutely great tips and workflow ideas here for the novice and the seasoned vet alike!

UPDATE, Q2 2013: Win7/Win8 64-bit drivers available for purchase now!
All the details available here! the redoubtable Mike Audet has finished and released drivers that enable the use of PARIS under Wn7/Win8 64-bit, and has now packaged all the essential PARIS components into one easy-to-use installer - grab them here and support PARIS development!. This package works as a "universal install" for all Windows systems (from XP SP3 onwards) as well - it will auto-detect your OS and whether it's 32 or 64 bit and install what you need, where you need it.

UPDATE, Q4 2011: Win7/64 compatibility update! (NOTE - NOW SUPERSEDED, SEE ABOVE)
Check this thread to see Mike's picture of PARIS booting under Win7 64! Users have now had PARIS running stably on Win7 32 for quite a while using Mike's XP drivers, but this new transition to the 64-bit version of the OS using purpose-built drivers is a critical step in the "future-proofing" of PARIS.

UPDATE, Q1 2010: PARIS OMF support now in AATranslator!
Ever sent out PARIS sessions to be mixed at a non-PARIS facility and had to do the "render dance"? Michael Rooney, developer of AATranslator, has just brought the PARIS community the hands-down coolest advance it's ever seen from an outside developer. Now that PARIS OMF support has been added to the long list of DAW formats supported by AATranslator (Standard version is chock full of different DAWs $59, Enhanced version adds PT5 and other non-PARIS OMF formats $99) you can finally fly your PARIS sessions out to other DAWs ranging from Nuendo to Logic to Cubase to SADIE to Adobe Audition to Sonar and beyond (the full list is at the link). See ParisOmf this page for more information on the process, and the short "preflight checklist" that will help you prepare and export properly working OMFs from PARIS. Make sure you mention you're a PARIS user!

Want your mind blown? Check out this thread on Mike Audet's progress on Windows 7 drivers for PARIS.

UPDATE, end of '09: The PARISwiki gets a facelift
We've updated to WikkaWiki V1.2, which brings increased security, great new functionality (notice the site search box in the upper right?) and a new look, complete with user-customizable themes (which definitely means giving the Wiki a proper PARIS theme as time permits). Let us know if the update has broken anything and we'll get right on fixing it. If you prefer the previous look, go into "Change Settings/Logout" (don't actually log out - just set your theme to "default" there).

PreviousUpdates Previous updates...
adminUsers Registered users to date - 150;
Total pages to date - 278
Top 10 contributor(s)
rank user pages owned percentage
1.  admin 206 74.1%
2.  ParisNg 8 2.9%
3.  HanshlWickhamva 4 1.4%
4.  RetawbManleyif 4 1.4%
5.  ToddguHurseyic 3 1.1%
6.  BernieqrMoffetem 3 1.1%
7.  MelisaoqHungerfordmi 3 1.1%
8.  BlondellkvKuntznf 2 0.7%
9.  MagdabiWoolnerrl 2 0.7%
10.  ZacharyftWeissmullerui 2 0.7%

NEW: Get Mike Audet's new (2009) XP multicore drivers for PARIS - bugfixes, modernization, and the ability to have PARIS run like a champ on modern multicore CPUs!
NEW: Reaper users - download the REAPER libsndfile Wrapper plugin (courtesy of user Xenakios and libsndfile) to let Reaper work natively with PARIS PAFs - plus there are new Reaper scripts to help Reaper and PARIS "play well together".
NEW: Dress up PARIS with ParisSkins cool new skins by Mike Yanoska and Jim Drago! [four great new skins added by Jim 02/10/10: "Bronze/Flame/Camo/Red Anodized"]
NEW: automatic notifications of changes to the PARISWiki via RSS feed!RSS: Recent changes
NEW: track recent changes visually using the RecentChangesMindMap Recent Changes Mind Map

This is an educational site dedicated to information about the brilliant but now discontinued PARIS digital audio workstation (a joint development of Ensoniq and Intelligent Devices), with an eye towards collecting all available information and lore into one central easy-to-use crosslinked location (MissStat click here for the full Statement of Purpose and legal info). The site is greatly indebted to PARIS' voluntary archivists - DougWellington Doug Wellington, SteveDellaMaggiora Steve "artguy" Della Maggiora and JohnBercik John Bercik - for their prior copious and painstaking collections from which so many of the initial entries of the PARISwiki have been drawn, and of course to ChuckDuffy Chuck Duffy and HiddenSound Hiddensound's Kim, whose newsgroups were the heart of the PARIS community for so many years. Users are encouraged to add and edit pages; there is a brief tutorial on how to ParisWikiTut create, edit and link new pages over here, the full documentation over here, and a list of FormattingRules all sorts of formatting options over here. Editing is easy; some might consider it fun, or even addictive. Administrative requests are minimal: try for a "technical writing" style, stick to PARIS or closely related issues, and adhere to the general principle of NPOV.

In short: if you have PARIS info you feel like contributing - go for it! The new NeededPages Needed Pages section is a great place to begin. If you see anything on any of the pages that you know is incorrect, or could be worded more clearly, or contains a misused term or an incorrect credit or attribution - please do log in, click twice and fix it!

Quick Reference:

New: The ParisReferenceLibrary PARIS Reference Library, a collection of manuals, FAQs and tutorials in PDF format (registered Wiki users only).
New: The ParisTimeline PARIS Timeline, a visual timeline of some key dates in the platform's history.
ParisIntro An Introduction to PARIS
ParisHist Some historical background
ParisSonics Sonics
ParisLatency Latency
Hz48Kcorrection Correction table for EQ Frequencies

SetupConfig PARIS Setup and Configuration
ParisCfg Know your paris.cfg file
ParisSignalflow PARIS Signal Flow diagram
ParisWind Main Windows
KeyboardCommands Essential Keyboard Commands
WindowPatchBay Understanding PARIS' Patch Bay
PlusFourCfg Configuring for +4/-10 operation
ParisCalibration Calibrating PARIS (advanced tutorial)
CeeSixteenCommands Essential C16 Commands

BasicUse Basic Use
SessionTracking Sessions: Tracking
SessionEdit Sessions: Editing
SessionMix Sessions: Mixing
SessionMast Sessions: Mastering

Native Submixes
New from the forum's Dr. Frankencopter: NativeSubmixSenderellaTut Expanding PARIS' native FX capabilities using Native Submixes and Senderella

PARIS' onboard DSP processing:
EdsTipsAndTricks EDS Plugins: tips and tricks
StockFxIni For power users: editing your stockfx.ini
PARIS and native plugins:
VstDxParis VST and DX plugins in PARIS
NativeFxSetup Setting up native plug-ins in PARIS
VstDxWrappersChainers "Wrappers" and "Chainers"
NativeLatencyDatabase Native Plugins: Latencies by plug-in
UadCards Setting up UAD Cards with PARIS

Advanced Use
ParisSync Synchronizing PARIS with the rest of your digital audio hardware and software
ParisMidi MIDI In Paris
MixerLess Running a "mixer-less" studio using PARIS
WindowPatchBay Getting the most out of your Patch Bay
ParisAut Automation
DspNormalize PARIS - Abnormal Normalization

Going deeper into PARIS
BugsTroubleshooting Bugs and Troubleshooting - Known Bug Codex and Error Code Compendium Project
ParisSkins Customizing the look: "Skinning" PARIS
ParisWallPaper PARIS wallpaper for your computer's desktop
SwThirdParty Useful Third Party Software

ParisDemos The originally included PARIS demos - "Crop Circles" and "See It My Way"
ParisExportFacilities PARIS Export Facilities: Frequently heard over the years: "I have a song in PPJ format but I don't have access to PARIS hardware to open it on; can anyone here open a .ppj and translate the tracks out for me?". List your facility here if you want to advertise your services exporting PARIS sessions for use in other DAWs. No endorsement is implied by these listings. NOTE that AATranslator can now translate PARIS OMFs into a wide range of destination formats, so clients now have the option to request an export as an OMF and buy AAT to do the translation, or find an AAT-equipped PARIS facility and ask them to translate it to a specific destination format at the same time.

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