Revision [95]

This is an old revision of ParisIntro made by admin on 2008-04-04 11:51:31.


PARIS stands for Pro Audio Recording Integrated System.

By definition, PARIS is a digital audio workstation, or DAW. It is a tracking and mixing environment with some rudimentary MIDI capabilities, usually ignored or disabled by users.

PARIS consists of four discrete components -

- IF2
- MEC, the Modular Expansion Chassis designed to hold expansion modules such as:
- A8i
- A8o
- ADATio

- Version 3.0
- Versions prior to 3.0

- black or "original" C16
- blue, a later cosmetic change with new silkscreening that identified functions added or remapped in V3.0 software.

ASIO drivers were included, but due to serious limitations including inability to access MEC modules, a maximum of two channels and general lack of reliability are considered essentially non-functional by users.

Various third-party initiatives specific to PARIS include:

Other initiatives designed to be of use to (but not specifically limited to) the PARIS platform have been:

Finally, the PARIS EQ, generally held to have a particularly desirable sound, have been ported into VST as plug-ins so they can be made available in non-PARIS DAWs.
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