Revision [106]

This is an old revision of ParisIntro made by admin on 2008-04-04 12:44:17.


Introduction to PARIS

PARIS stands for Pro Audio Recording Integrated System.

By definition, PARIS is a digital audio workstation, or DAW. It is a tracking and mixing environment with some rudimentary MIDI capabilities, usually ignored or disabled by users. PARIS is an unusual platform because it remains one of the only DAWS in its current price range to combine the advantages of hardware with the flexibility of software

PARIS consists of four discrete components -

ASIO drivers were included as part of the PARIS package to enable other software to access the PARIS hardware. After much experimentation, due to serious limitations, including inability to access MEC modules, a maximum of two channels and a general lack of reliability, the drivers are considered essentially non-functional by users.

Various third-party initiatives specific to PARIS include:

Other initiatives designed to be of use to (but not specifically limited to) the PARIS platform have been:

Finally, the PARIS EQ, generally held to have a desirable sound, have been ported into VST as plug-ins so they can be made available in non-PARIS DAWs.`
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