Revision [199]

This is an old revision of ErrorSubmix made by admin on 2008-04-05 00:58:41.


Error Updating Submix

> In my current project I've recorded the basic tracks and a few overdubs
for 14 songs(24-bits) . Before additional overdubs can be made, I need to
update the SubMixes - a task my PARIS-system performs with a russian
roulette precision. Some song works just fine and others are impossible to
update. The impossible ones comes with a message saying; "Error in
recalculating SubMix data, the file could not be found". It doesn't matter
what version I'm using (the 2.0 final version or the 2.0 b10).
> Any suggestions?

Do the following:

- Open audio window, clear all the light colored submix files,
- Create a new folder, set the record path to it,
- Save the project.

Now your update of submixes will work again.

Edmund Pirali
Intelligent Devices, Inc.

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