Revision [539]

This is an old revision of WindowPatchBay made by admin on 2008-04-08 13:13:44.


The Patch Bay Window

The Patch Bay is one of the most amazing features of PARIS. It is accessed by pressing B on your computer keyboard, or the number 7 followed by a period on your C16.

Mastery over signal routing in the Patch Bay gives the ability to create PatchHeadphones individual headphone mixes, or PatchClick route click tracks to headphones, PatchHeadphonesWfx supply reverb/FX in different quantities to different headphone mixes, PatchExternFx patch in external effects processors, send a strip of audio SMPTE to an external output to drive an external sequencer without having to listen to it, keep live mics open for player feedback without recording them, route blocks of external tracks through PARIS - all with zero latency and pristine quality.

The following are detailed tutorials on achieving different purposes using your Patch Bay.

What You Need To Know About Storing And Recalling Patch Bay Setups

To come - tutorial on how PARIS stores the setups.
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