Revision [642]

This is an old revision of TalkBack made by admin on 2008-04-10 14:10:59.



tutorial coming soon

Note that if you have MEC + 8i, the 4x 20 bit MEC ins can be used to monitor talkback mic, Clicktrack, CD player or other - saving the 24-bit inputs of the 8i for tracking.

Additional Notes on Talkback

I use a setup similar to what a lot of people here use:

- Mackie 1604vlz pro
- Furman HDS 6 cue system
- Old dynamic mics with momentary switches

I use the first 8 channels on the Mackie as additional mic pres.

The other 8 (9-16) are as follows:
9-10: Stereo mix from PARIS (either main or stereo aux) assigned to main LR bus on Mackie
11-14: Mono prefader aux sends from PARIS. Assigned to Mackie busses 1-4
15-16: Talkback mics with momentary pushbutton switches assigned to all busses

Then the Mackie LR bus feeds the stereo input on the Furman and the 1-4 busses on the Mackie feed the 1-4 mono inputs on the Furman.

The nice thing about this system is that talkback ends up on all of the Furman outputs so that no matter what mix someone has dialed in, they will hear the TB mic. Since the Mackie has aux send/returns as well, you can add a little external reverb to a headphone mix without having to use the PARIS internal verbs and thus the PARIS main outs (which doesn't always work depending on what you are trying to do). The downside is that the cue system goes through a bunch of extra gain stages and is a little complicated. However, I am often doing full band tracking (4 or 5 people including drums simultaneously) and have found this way to work best. BTW, I use the 20bit outputs on the MEC to drive the mono aux mixes and a pair of outputs from my 8 out module to drive the stereo send.

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