Revision [702]
This is an old revision of Dp4Hall made by admin on 2008-04-12 23:10:31.
DP4 Hall
According to developer MikeAudet Mike Audet, "The DP/4 Hall is an adaptation of the DP/4 Hall algorithm ported to the ESP2 chips found in both PARIS and the DP/PRO. To my ears, this sounds smoother and fuller than my DP/4, but it definitely retains the character of the original. This is my new favourite reverb."
Installing DP4 Hall (.pdf)

Controls explained:
Low Decay:
High BW:
Diffuser 1, 2:
Detune Rate
Detune Depth
Primary Send
Ref 1, 2 Level
Ref 1, 2 Send
Ref 1, 2 - L/R
Out Balance
Position 1, 2, 3
None reported
Suggested Applications and Settings:
Main reverb.