Revision [761]

This is an old revision of DefaultPpj made by admin on 2008-04-14 14:55:50.


The Default Project (Default Project.ppj)

Any song placed in the PARIS application's home folder and named precisely "Default Project.ppj" is automatically loaded after the PARIS application is initialized. Taking advantage of this hard-coded behaviour is an excellent way to pre-load PARIS with your preferred work setup.

Before you proceed, note that a Default Project can become corrupted and cause serious, show-stopping issues with PARIS, so virtually all troubleshooting chains eventually reach the step of "remove your default project from the PARIS folder, and boot directly from the application". Note additionally that for multi-MEC systems your default project must be set to 48k; setting it to 44.1k will effectively disable multiple MEC rigs. If you have a multiple MEC rig that refuses to initialize, verifying this setting is an essential early step in troubleshooting.

John Bercik walks us through the process of setting up a Default Project:

originally from JohnBercik John Bercik's PARIS Notes site; formatted and edited by KerryGalloway Kerry Galloway '08

  1. Make a template song with your favorite/most frequently used settings
  1. Save the project as "Default Project.ppj" in (PC: C:\Program Files\E-MU\PARIS Pro - Mac: the folder the PARIS application resides in)

Everytime you start a new project it will open; all of your settings will be there waiting for you. The same is true for effects selection, aux settings, windows preferences, etc.

John's settings as a suggested starting point:

In Editor Window
In Mixer Window

I have a drum mix that I love; since I rarely change the way I record the drums, I copy the mixer settings including, compression, eq and and so forth to my default project - JohnBercik John Bercik

Use SetRecordPath Set Record Path in your [DefaultPpj Default Project]] to make PARIS prompt you to be systematic in your data storage

  1. create a temporary folder on your "recording" drive
  1. inside PARIS, set your record path to that folder
  1. save your Default Project.ppj and quit PARIS
  1. delete the temporary folder you created
  1. reboot PARIS

After this, the first time you attempt to begin recording in any newly-created song, PARIS will note the absence of the folder it's intended to record to, and prompt you to set a valid record path (instead of dumping your files in whatever directory/folder you last left your record path in).
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