Revision [825]

This is an old revision of OhTwoNine made by admin on 2008-04-15 10:29:03.


Corrupted File/Project

This error code indicates there is fatal corruption in the data. The context is important: if you are trying to open a song that you recovered off a dying or corrupted HD, it's likely the files weren't sufficiently intact to use. However if this error occurs on normal songs (particularly ones received from others to continue work on), be aware that PARIS V.2.2 or earlier may show this error when attempting to load a V3.0 project due to the saving of 3.0-specific data that previous versions can't understand.

The important questions to ask first to eliminate this possibility are 1) what is my PARIS version? and 2) what version of PARIS was last used to work on this project? If you suspect this may be the problem but you must work in versions of PARIS earlier than 3.0, there is a procedure available to BackwardsSessionCompatibility re-save the song into a pre-3.0 compatible format.

Subject:Re: Error Code City
Date:Wed, 14 Apr 1999 13:00:30 -0400 (Edmund Pirali)

In article <>,

> When I try to open some recoverd (by Unerase) Paris files I get some
> problems. On the .ppj files it's Error in Reading Project code:
> 1879048221/7000001d, and trying to add .paf files its
> 1879048226/70000022. All of the other file types I rescued work fine,
> and I don't think these should be corrupt, as nothing was written
to the
> disk before recovery. I would love any assistance in completing my
> resurrection. Thanks,

7000001d = peFileHeaderCorrupt = project file data is corrupted
70000022 = peAudioFileCorrupted = audio file data is corrupted

Data on the disk is not valid. Sorry.

Edmund Pirali
Intelligent Devices, Inc.
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