DP/Pro Hall

The DP/Pro Hall is a plugin created by MikeAudet Mike Audet for the PARIS EDS effects system.

According to Mike, "This is the reverb I've been waiting for since the Skunkworks team began. It's smooth, wide, and you can run 4 of them on an EDS card. It is the best reverb I have ever worked with.

You can check out a demo here."

Installing the DP/Pro Hall (.pdf)

DP/Pro Hall

Controls explained:


Controls the amount of time for the reverb to decay

Low Decay:

Acts as a tone control and will boost (positive values) or cut (negative values) the rate at which low frequencies decay


Controls the attenuation of high frequencies in the decay of the reverb

High BW:

A low-pass filter on the signal going into the reverb

Diffuser 1:

Smears the input signal transients

Diffuser 2:

Smears the input signal transients at lower frequencies than Diffuser 1


Controls the rate at which echo density is increased with time

Detune Rate:

Controls the LFO rate of detuning introduced into the reverb decay

Detune Depth:

Controls the depth of the detuning

Primary Send:

Controls the level of the diffused input signal into reverb definition

Ref 1 - 2 Level:

Controls the level of the first/second pre-echo

Ref 1 - 2 Send:

Controls the level of the first/second pre-echo sent directly to the output

Ref 1 - 2 L/R:

These four controls control the right and left delay time of the first and second pre-echoes

Out Balance:

Pans the reverb's output


Adjusts the time it takes for the original signal to reach the reverb

Position 1 - 3:

Controls the levels of a mic placed in front, in the middle, and at the rear of the hall.


Suggested Applications and Settings:
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