Revision [1455]
This is an old revision of NativeLatencyDatabase made by admin on 2010-01-01 16:44:50.
PARIS and Native Plug-in Latency
"Latency" is the time delay a plugin or other process introduces into an audio stream. Some plugins process in "real time" whereas others introduce either imperceptible or audible delay into the audio stream. This can create problems from disrupting internal phase relationships in multi-mic audio all the way to perceptibly "dragging" a track's timing.
The PARIS app, last updated in 2001, lacks internal latency compensation for either native or internal plugins, so PARIS users have evolved a variety of workarounds. They can avoid the issue by avoiding latency-causing plugins; manually compensate for latency by nudging or sliding the affected audio tracks on the edit screen; or compensate globally via a system such as Vertex DSP's FaderWorks. Those who want to avoid the issue altogether can avoid the plugins marked in red below. Those seeking to manually compensate for latency can look up the exact latency of any particular plugin and nudge their audio earlier by that amount (see important notes in sidebar to right).
Thanks to the efforts of user Dimitrios, PARIS users gained a new more convenient option for relative latency compensation for native plugins in 2009. Vertex DSP's FaderWorks uses a clever approach to compensate for global latency. A Faderworks plugin is inserted on each channel of the PARIS mixer; Faderworks keeps track of the latencies of each new plugin and delays all other channels in the submix accordingly if necessary. FaderWorks is not full global latency compensation - that particular submix will be delayed in relation to other submixes (latency is a "delay" of audio, so the ideal solution to correct for it would be to "advance" that audio in time, but FaderWorks can only affect audio that has already passed through the native inserts - it can't play audio any earlier than it receives it). But it's a great solution to correct *relative* latencies between channels within submixes. Delays are cumulative per channel; however, the maximum overall delay Faderworks will introduce in a submix will be that of the most "latent" channel. Unless you're using highly "latent" plugins (or many native plugins with smaller latencies in series on a single channel), you may not notice any perceptible delay.
Note that when you are "nudging" on the editor screen in PARIS, the "nudge" values are not precise. PARIS power-user DJ explains in depth: "The nudge values are not consistent with what one would expect the samples to be per ms, and they are also not consistent with themselves. Meaning that a 1ms nudge would be expected to be 44 samples [assuming a sample rate of 44.1k] but is actually 80. A 10ms nudge isn't 10 X 80 or 800 samples though, it's actually 480."
DJ: "Using sampleslide to assist the nudge function... for UAD-1 plugins, Sampleslide presets were as follows:"
Displayed Value | Actual movement in editor |
"1ms" | 80 samples |
"5ms" | 240 samples |
"10ms" | 480 samples |
"25ms" | 1120 samples |
"50ms" | 2240 samples |
"75ms" | 3360 samples |
"100ms" | 4480 samples |
DJ: "Using sampleslide to assist the nudge function... for UAD-1 plugins, Sampleslide presets were as follows:"
# | Type | Sampleslide value | Add this much "nudge" in Editor |
1 | Plugin | 1536 | slide 4 x 100ms in Editor |
1 | Pultec | 1523 | slide 4 x 100ms in Editor |
2 | Plugins | 3072 | slide 8 x 100ms in Editor |
2 | Pultecs | 3046 | slide 8 x 100ms in Editor |
1 | Plugin 1 Pultec | 3059 | slide 8 x 100ms in Editor |
2 | Plugins 1 Pultec | 4595 | slide 12 x 100ms in Editor |
2 | Pultecs 1 Plugin | 4582 | slide 12 x 100ms in Editor |
3 | Plugins | 4608 | slide 12 x 100ms in Editor) |
3 | Pultecs | 4569 | slide 12 x 100ms in Editor) |
Manufacturer | Plug-in Name | Latency in samples |
D | Limiter | 0 |
Db | compressor | 0 |
TL | Saturated Driver | 0 |
xxx | Simple Limiter | 0 |
xxx | Soft Overdrive | 0 |
xxx | Gene comp mono | 0 |
MDA | dynamics | 0 |
MDA | loudness | 0 |
MJ | compressor | 0 |
MJ | multiband | 0 |
xxx | Classic_compressor | 0 |
Camel | Camelphat_free | 0 |
E_phonic | Xpressor | 0 |
Mn | CompV1.r | 0 |
Luxonix | LFX1310 | 0 |
Chunkware | Vanilla | 44 |
Kjaerhus | GCO-1 | 0 |
DSPFX | Studioverb | 0 |
DSPFX | Acousticverb | 0 |
DSPFX | Chorus | 0 |
DSPFX | autopan | 0 |
DSPFX | Aural Exciter | 0 |
DSPFX | Delay | 0 |
DSPFX | Optimizer | 33 |
DSPFX | Flanger | 1024 |
Waves | API 550A | 0 |
Waves | API 550B | 0 |
Waves | API 560 | 0 |
Waves | API 2500 | 0 |
Waves | AudioTrack | 0 |
Waves | C1 Compressor | 0 |
Waves | C1 Gate | 0 |
Waves | C1 Comp-Gate | 340 |
Waves | C1 Comp-sc | 340 |
Waves | C4 Multiband | 64 |
Waves | DeBreath | 32,384 |
Waves | DeEsser | 0 |
Waves | Doppler | 0 |
Waves | Doubler | 0 |
Waves | Enigma | 0 |
Waves | GTR3 Amps | 34 |
Waves | GTR3 Stomps | 0 |
Waves | GTR2 Amps | 34 |
Waves | GTR2 Stomps | 0 |
Waves | IR-1 Convolution Reverb | 0 |
Waves | IR-L Convolution Reverb | 0 |
Waves | IR-360 Convolution Reverb | 0 |
Waves | L1 Ultramaximizer | 64 |
Waves | L2 Ultramaximizer | 64 |
Waves | L3 Multimaximizer | 3528 |
Waves | L3 Ultramaximizer | 3528 |
Waves | L3-16 Multimaximizer | 6207 |
Waves | L3-LL Multimaximizer | 64 |
Waves | L3-LL Ultramaximizer | 64 |
Waves | Linear Phase Equalizer Broadband | 2679 |
Waves | Linear Phase Equalizer Lowband | 2047 |
Waves | Linear Phase Multiband | 3528 |
Waves | MaxxBass | 0 |
Waves | MaxxVolume | 64 |
Waves | MetaFlanger | 0 |
Waves | MondoMod | 0 |
Waves | Morphoder | 639 |
Waves | PAZ Analyzer | 0 |
Waves | PS22 Split / X-Split | N/A |
Waves | PS22 Spread | N/A |
Waves | Q10 | 0 |
Waves | Q-Clone | 344 |
Waves | Renaissance Axx | 64 |
Waves | Renaissance Bass | 0 |
Waves | Renaissance Channel | 65 |
Waves | Renaissance Compressor | 64 |
Waves | Renaissance DeEsser | 64 |
Waves | Renaissance Equalizer | 0 |
Waves | Renaissance Reverb | 0 |
Waves | Renaissance Vox | 64 |
Waves | S1 Stereo Imager | 0 |
Waves | SoundShifter | 6946 |
Waves | SSL E Channel | 0 |
Waves | SSL G Equalizer | 0 |
Waves | SSL G Master Buss Compressor | 1 |
Waves | SuperTap | 0 |
Waves | TransX Multi | 64 |
Waves | TransX Wide | 64 |
Waves | TrueVerb | 0 |
Waves | UltraPitch | 8239 |
Waves | V-Comp | 0 |
Waves | V-EQ3 | 0 |
Waves | V-EQ4 | 0 |
Waves | Waves Tune | 3072 |
Waves | Waves Tune LT | 3072 |
Waves | X-Click | 2625 |
Waves | X-Crackle|{background-color:red; color:white}2625 | |
Waves | X-Hum | 0 |
Waves | X-Noise | 5120 |
Waves | Z-Noise | 34,702 |
Waves | C360 Surround Compressor | 64 |
Waves | IDR360 Surround Bit Re-Quantizer | 0 |
Waves | L360 Surround Limiter | 64 |
Waves | LFE360 Low Pass Filter | 0 |
Waves | M360 Surround Manager | 0 |
Waves | M360 Surround Mixdown | 0 |
Waves | S360 Surround Imager | 0 |
Waves | S360 Surround Panner | 0 |
Waves | R360 Surround Reverb | 0 |