Revision [1470]

This is an old revision of WinXpAdat made by admin on 2010-01-01 18:14:56.


Workaround for Multiple ADAT Card Bug under WinXP

IMPORTANT NOTE JAN 1 2010: MikeAudet Mike Audet's Multicore Drivers solve this problem. Mike (and in fact Chris Thoman before him too) discovered that the faster computers became, the more they sped up the execution of the PARIS software code running on your computer. Of course the PARIS hardware wasn't speeding up to match. After a certain point, the PARIS hardware simply couldn't keep up. The software would essentially say "any ADAT cards there?" but run off to other tasks before the cards could respond. Mike's judicious tweaking of the "time windows" fixed it. The "highest number slots" solution has to do with the order in which the software asks for the cards to "sign in", so this solution might still be of use to those who haven't bought Mike's drivers.

>I seem to remember that some of you using XP had no problems with ADAT
> transfers, while others were having difficulties. I'm still on ME with
> Paris. One of these days I'm going to transport over to XP. What is the
> state of ADAT with XP in Paris.
> Rich

No change. I think Brian T, Dimitrios and Mic Cross were able to get more
than 1 ADAT module per MEC to work
. I never was able to do this. If you need
lightpipe connectivity, be sure to buy a new HD to use with XP so your old
system drive can save you if XP hoses your routing matrix.


Just because it's the way I preferred my physical layout from day one, my ADAT cards have always been in the highest numbered slots. In every MEC, my card sequence, from low to high slot number is:

Lowest = Any/all Analog 8-In cards

Middle = Any/all Analog 8-Out cards

Highest = Any/all ADAT cards

Lowest slots are closest to power supply of the MEC.

Maybe that's it, since none of my MECS has ever deviated from this scheme and I've never had the first problem with ADAT cards under XP. There are other variables, but this one seems a very likely candidate.


Sandy Tipping wrote:

As was suggested, ADAT cards under WinXP seem (in my case) to prefer to be
at the end of the MEC - the higher numbered slots.

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