Revision [1998]

This is an old revision of NoLimit made by admin on 2016-01-10 15:17:03.



NoLimit is a plugin created by the ChunkWorks as the first third party plugin for the PARIS EDS effects system. It is now being made available and further developed by MikeAudet Mike Audet with permission of Chuck Duffy and the ChunkWorks PARIS Skunkworks. According to Mike, "NoLimit was originally released by ChunkWorks Chuck Duffy and his team, and remains one of the finest mastering plugins available. Version 1.3 adds a gain reduction meter, a sample rate bug fix, and the ability to blend direct and compressed signals."

NoLimit is a brickwall limiter that permits extreme "squashing" of audio signals. IMPORTANT NOTE: ParisNoNos do not use values of "0" or "50" on Chuck's original NoLimit! This is fixed in newer builds by Mike Audet

Installing NoLimit (.pdf)


Controls explained:

Mix: unlike hardware compressors, NoLimit gives control over the ratio of dry/effected signal, permitting such uses as the blending of a compressed kick signal beneath the original uncompressed version to "stiffen" the kick without robbing dynamics.

Ceiling: Sets the maximum volume ceiling for the output

Release: Sets the release time of the limiter. Use higher release times - .50 sec and up - for lower thresholds, and to avoid distortion.

Threshold: Sets the threshold at which the limiter begins applying makeup gain

Lookahead: - increases the amount of time "in advance" the plugin can calculate by introducing a slight delay of the signal, effectively "looking ahead" of the playback. Use longer values - 0.025 or greater - for most precise limiting and to avoid distortion (if you're using this on the master bus, the delay will make no difference)


IMPORTANT NOTE: ParisNoNos do not use values of "0" or "50" on Chuck's original NoLimit!'

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