Wiki source for AssertionFailed2
//> Got this error several times while doing punch ins....''Assertion failed file
> cache c 441 offset = 0 && offset <p> count''
> The track had existing material "under" it as I did the O dub punch. Then
> I get the Error yet still have playback. As soon as I click "Ok"
> Complete program crash! Closes it and all!
This is not supposed to happen, but a cause for it may be that you may
need to ''increase you disk cache by a couple of MBs''.
Edmund Pirali
Intelligent Devices, Inc.
Back to [[BugsTroubleshooting Bugs and Troubleshooting]]
> cache c 441 offset = 0 && offset <p> count''
> The track had existing material "under" it as I did the O dub punch. Then
> I get the Error yet still have playback. As soon as I click "Ok"
> Complete program crash! Closes it and all!
This is not supposed to happen, but a cause for it may be that you may
need to ''increase you disk cache by a couple of MBs''.
Edmund Pirali
Intelligent Devices, Inc.
Back to [[BugsTroubleshooting Bugs and Troubleshooting]]