=====Chuck Duffy===== One of the most significant figures in post-development PARIS, Chuck Duffy was either directly responsible for, or involved in supporting, the overwhelming bulk of the most important post-ID developments for the platform. ===Initiatives included:=== The [[ChunkWorks Paris Skunkworks]] (aka "Chunkworks"), which - - secured from [[IntelligentDevices Intelligent Devices]] (under NDA) the essential source code and documentation that permitted further development of PARIS - secured essential code and software tools to port the effects from the Ensoniq DPPro to PARIS - ported the first DPPro plugins to PARIS - With Chris Thoman, developed drivers to permit PARIS to run on [[WinXP Windows XP]], the choice of the bulk of current users - developed a range of EDS plugins - continues to this day to encourage and advise PARIS developers such as [[MikeAudet Mike Audet]] who continued after him