The PARIS Skunkworks XP Driver Project Paris users were thrilled in 2004 to receive their best news in years; new drivers for PARIS had been written that allowed it to run nearly perfectly on Windows XP. Small issues aside (such as PARIS' reluctance to permit the use of [[WinXpAdat multiple ADAT cards]] in the same MEC and a generally more involved installation process, documented in great detail by [[ChuckDuffy Chuck Duffy]] here), the ADAT drivers have been a resounding triumph, and allow PARIS to run happily on a modern PC OS, thus future-proofing it for another half-decade. //{{color text="JULY 31 2008 - IMPORTANT UPDATE: Mike Audet is debugging the ADAT dll as we speak - check the PARIS NG for updates and a beta dll to try! It will be linked here ASAP. With any luck, ADAT issues under Win XP may be a thing of the past." c="red"}}// [[ PARIS XP Drivers]] [[WinXpDriverInstallDoc PARIS XP Driver Installation Manual]]