By Will the weirdo : **1. Reload PARIS software. ** (Done, Error 18/12 appears in a 3 Card system ) **2. Remove all your EDS cards, use an eraser and clean the card connectors.** (Done ) **3. Start with one card only and get PARIS back running, adding one card back at time if it runs. If the one card does not run, switch cards, you could have a bad EDS. The key is to simplify your setup here, just get PARIS running again, then slowly rebuild your setup until the problem resurfaces, leading you to the issue.** (Done, every card works as one card system, Error 18/12 appears in a 3 Card system, in a two card system Error 7/7 appears) **4. After this, if PARIS will not run 1 card, I start looking at the computer...... pray you get it working before this step.** by Daniel Cornelius **5. Checked the Cards at other MB** The Cards Working again => Next Check Ribbons ( waiting for shipping) **5. Checked Ribbons ** Ribbons work fine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It work by changing the "Paris.cfg" => from **UseHouseSync=1** TO **UseHouseSync=0**