Revision history for MinusFortyThree

Revision [831]

Last edited on 2008-04-15 11:05:34 by admin
and it has worked fine ever since.
and it has worked fine ever since.//

Revision [830]

Edited on 2008-04-15 11:05:09 by admin
2/2 and 7/7...turning off the MEC brings up the same message.//
2/2 and 7/7...turning off the MEC brings up the same message.

Revision [829]

Edited on 2008-04-15 11:04:50 by admin
===One story:===
===Another take:===
===Contact Cleaning And Repair===
The edge connectors of aging EDS cards can become dirty or oxidized. Gentle cleanup with a regular or typewriter eraser can help a balky card be recognized.
In more extreme cases where the contacts are worn or damaged, they can be touched up with a conductive pen. Conductive pens are inexpensive and can be purchased locally at electronic parts suppliers or ordered online from suppliers such as [[ Digi-Key]].
Information on re-plating edge contacts, a much more ambitious and involved fix for the electronically skilled, can be [[ found here]].
added: Conductive pens are inexpensive and can be purchased locally at electronic parts suppliers or ordered online from suppliers such as [[ Digi-Key]]. A more ambitious and involved fix for the electronically skilled can be [[ found here]].

Revision [828]

Edited on 2008-04-15 10:59:47 by admin
=====Error Code -43/ffffffd5=====
Note the second post: sometimes this is card failure, but sometimes it's merely dirty or worn contacts on a card.
Q: //hi all,
It's been a while since I posted here...I've only sporadically used my PARIS
rig in the past couple years (1 card/MEC/24-8 in/out on a dedicated MAC G4
Quicksilver). Never had problems before, but today PARIS won't boot up.
I get a 'Error initializing PARIS Engine Error code -43/ffffffd5
Tried replacing config file, reinstalled PARIS on another drive, cleaned
things up, etc all with the same problem. Help!//
A: //Is this the one when your Interfaces are not plgged in or MEC turned off?//
Q: //the power is on and i also checked all cables. i tried it w/ the MEC off as
a test and the same thing came up - i'm going to open the box and reseat
the card, to see if that does anything... I reseated the 1000 card in the PCI slot and now i'm getting a similar 'Engine
Failure' message but with different error code numbers - alternating between
2/2 and 7/7...turning off the MEC brings up the same message.
A: //Is the daughterboard in the MEC? Is there anything in there that could come
A: //another thing to try: My original paris card developed a case of worn contacts, and got a similar
(though I can't say if it was exactly the same) message. I resilvered the worn contacts with a silver contact pen from Radio Shack
and it has worked fine ever since.//
A: //first try a simple pencil eraser to clean up the contacts.//
Q: //thanks - i'll try the silvering thing on the 1000 card.//
Q: //i hit the contacts w/ a D5 pen and let is sit for a week whilst i was travelling.
upon return and reboot, i'm in business. Thanks!//
added: Conductive pens are inexpensive and can be purchased locally at electronic parts suppliers or ordered online from suppliers such as [[ Digi-Key]]. A more ambitious and involved fix for the electronically skilled can be [[ found here]].

Revision [351]

Edited on 2008-04-07 00:07:10 by admin
Back to [[BugsTroubleshooting Bugs and Troubleshooting]]

Revision [349]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-04-07 00:06:28 by admin
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