Revision history for ParisSkinsInstructions
//originally posted on the PARIS newsgroup by **Rogue Elf**//
Rogue Elf
Revision [1121]
Edited on 2008-10-30 18:07:41 by JonBergh [edited, using italics to update the instructions]Additions:
These instructions are pulled from one of the downloadable skin .zip files. I've made some edits to update it, and //those edits are noted in italics// (unless I just snipped off the unimportant bits --jb).
1) Launch “PE Resource Explorer” //or the XN Resource Editor// as //the// app requires then “open” the “PARIS.exe” file in it.
1) You will see a folder named “PICT”. Expand it and find the folders that are named the same as your bitmaps. Make sure you did not change the name of the bitmaps in any way.
1) At the top, click on the “Resources” menu and in the drop-down menu click “import image resource”. Navigate to one of the bitmaps and choose it. YOU CAN ONLY IMPORT ONE IMAGE AT A TIME, //so do this for each image until you have imported all the bitmaps//.
1) PE Resource Explorer //or the XN Resource Editor// has created a new folder named “bitmaps” that will contain the bitmaps in it. You will now expand the folder of the first bitmap you want to swap out in the “PICT” folder. Start by selecting the first bitmap in the “bitmaps” folder, do you remember the name because they have to be the same.
1) Select and “cut” the bitmap from the “bitmaps” folder (use cut so you’re sure you got it). Go to the same named bitmap in the “PICT” folder select and delete the old bitmap then paste the new one. Do this for all bitmaps.
1) After all the new bitmaps are in place you MUST DELETE THEM from the “bitmaps” folder that was created. Do this by clicking on the bitmap in the “bitmaps” folder number “1” and under the “Resource” menu click “Delete Resource”. //Repeat until// all the bitmaps you imported are gone, including the folder it created. It MUST look just the way it did before you imported anything -- that means NO “bitmaps” folder anymore!
1) Save and exit PE Resource Explorer //or the XN Resource Editor//. If upon exit it asks you to save, click “yes”.
If you did everything right the next time you launch PARIS it will have a cool new look. If not it will crash and you should go to the nearest mirror and say in to it, “You idiot you listened to the elf”. Then go back and replace the now contaminated PARIS.exe with the backup. Congratulations you are a hacker!
1) Launch “PE Resource Explorer” //or the XN Resource Editor// as //the// app requires then “open” the “PARIS.exe” file in it.
1) You will see a folder named “PICT”. Expand it and find the folders that are named the same as your bitmaps. Make sure you did not change the name of the bitmaps in any way.
1) At the top, click on the “Resources” menu and in the drop-down menu click “import image resource”. Navigate to one of the bitmaps and choose it. YOU CAN ONLY IMPORT ONE IMAGE AT A TIME, //so do this for each image until you have imported all the bitmaps//.
1) PE Resource Explorer //or the XN Resource Editor// has created a new folder named “bitmaps” that will contain the bitmaps in it. You will now expand the folder of the first bitmap you want to swap out in the “PICT” folder. Start by selecting the first bitmap in the “bitmaps” folder, do you remember the name because they have to be the same.
1) Select and “cut” the bitmap from the “bitmaps” folder (use cut so you’re sure you got it). Go to the same named bitmap in the “PICT” folder select and delete the old bitmap then paste the new one. Do this for all bitmaps.
1) After all the new bitmaps are in place you MUST DELETE THEM from the “bitmaps” folder that was created. Do this by clicking on the bitmap in the “bitmaps” folder number “1” and under the “Resource” menu click “Delete Resource”. //Repeat until// all the bitmaps you imported are gone, including the folder it created. It MUST look just the way it did before you imported anything -- that means NO “bitmaps” folder anymore!
1) Save and exit PE Resource Explorer //or the XN Resource Editor//. If upon exit it asks you to save, click “yes”.
If you did everything right the next time you launch PARIS it will have a cool new look. If not it will crash and you should go to the nearest mirror and say in to it, “You idiot you listened to the elf”. Then go back and replace the now contaminated PARIS.exe with the backup. Congratulations you are a hacker!
1) Launch “PE Resource Explorer” as app requires then “open” the “PARIS.exe” file in it.
1) You will see a folder named “PICT” expand it and find the folders that are named the same as your downloaded bitmaps and make sure you did not change the name of the bitmaps in any way.
1) At the top click on the menu “Resources” and in the drop down menu click “import image resource”. Navigate to one of the bitmaps you downloaded and choose it. YOU CAN ONLY IMPORT ONE IMAGE AT A TIME SO DO THIS FOR EACH IMAGE TILL YOU HAVE IMPORTED ALL 4 BITMAPS.
1) PE Resource Explorer has created a new folder named “bitmaps” that will contain the 4 bitmaps in it. You will now expand the folder of the name of the first bitmap you want to swap out in the “PICT” folder. Start by selecting the first bitmap in the “bitmaps” folder, do you remember the name because they have to be the same. Who knows what will happen if you mix them up.
1) Select and “cut” the bitmap from the “bitmaps” folder, use cut so you’re sure you got it. Go to the same named bitmap in the “PICT” folder select and delete the old bitmap then paste the new one. Do this for all 4 bitmaps then after all the new bitmaps are in place you MUST DELETE THEM from the “bitmaps” folder that was created. Do this by clicking on the bitmap in the “bitmaps” folder number “1” and under the “Resource” menu click “Delete Resource” and do this till all the bitmaps you imported are gone, including the folder it created. It MUST look just the way it did before you imported anything, that means NO “bitmaps” folder anymore.
1) Save and exit PE Resource Explorer, if upon exit it asks you to save click “yes”. If you did everything right the next time you launch PARIS it will have a cool new look. If not it will crash and you should go to the nearest mirror and say in to it, “You idiot you listened to the elf”. Then go back and replace the now contaminated PARIS.exe with the backup. Congratulations you are a hacker!
Revision [1120]
Edited on 2008-10-30 18:01:47 by JonBergh [edited, using italics to update the instructions]Additions:
These instructions are pulled from one of the downloadable skin .zip files. I've made some edits to update it, and //those edits are noted in italics//
1) Go //get the// [[ XN Resource Editor]] and download this app and load it as it says to.
1) Print this then collect all the bitmaps.
1) Go //get the// [[ XN Resource Editor]] and download this app and load it as it says to.
1) Print this then collect all the bitmaps.
1) Go to HYPERLINK "" and download this app and load it as it says to.
1) Print this then collect all the bitmaps from the newsgroup there are 4 of them split up to different posts for you guys using dial-up.