=====The Ducker===== According to developer [[MikeAudet Mike Audet]], //"The Ducker is the first side chain compressor for the PARIS system. Based on the PARIS Compressor, it compresses the left signal based on the right input, allowing for ducking or creating new sounds by altering the side chain signal with eq or distortion."// [[http://kerrygalloway.com/PARIS%20resources/installingpluginsandmore.pdf Installing The Ducker]] (.pdf) {{image url="http://www.kerrygalloway.com/PARIS%20resources/TheDucker.jpg" title="The Ducker" alt="The Ducker"}} ====Controls explained:==== **Threshold:** **Ratio:** **Attack:** **Release:** **Lookahead:** **Output:** ---- **Bugs/peculiarities:** None recorded ---- **Suggested Applications and Settings:**