Wiki source for UhFourTwoFive
Weird. Using Remote Desktop for Mac. Booting the app from the Mac screen gives an unhandled exception. Workaround, boot the app from the PC itself.
//You know the one... Up it pops, and your mouse doesn't do s*!t.
Alt-tabbing to the project window, and ctrl-shift-s to the "save as"
dialog allowed me to save, with a new name even.
Hmmm, I wonder how many lost hours I could have saved if I knew this years
ago. //
//Still loving Paris.//
//You know the one... Up it pops, and your mouse doesn't do s*!t.
Alt-tabbing to the project window, and ctrl-shift-s to the "save as"
dialog allowed me to save, with a new name even.
Hmmm, I wonder how many lost hours I could have saved if I knew this years
ago. //
//Still loving Paris.//