Revision [532]

This is an old revision of PatchHeadphonesWfx made by admin on 2008-04-08 12:55:47.


Supplying Aux FX (ie reverb) to Individual Headphone Mixes using Auxes

Just a brief note until a detailed step-by-step can be created -

  1. take the outputs from one of your Auxes (eg Aux 8)
  1. patch it into one or two mixer channels (depending on stereo or mono -
  1. the wet signal from the Aux can now be routed to headphones like any other signal.

Caution, don't route it to *itself* (ie if you're using the output from Aux 8 to feed a strip, never turn up Aux 8 on that strip) as this will cause it to feed back potentially causing serious speaker damage.
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