Paris Positions Slightly Inaccurate

Unless i'm doing something wrong, it would seem that the bar
position readout is not totaly accurate. When i SHIFT click the
now line to the start of a bar, for example bar 73. The readout
on the BAR/BEATS ruler should read 73/1/000. Instead it reads
something like 73/1/003 or 73/1/005. If you then zoom in all the
way and move the now line to exactly 73/1/000 and cut the part it
will cut to a different position, usually a measure of 001 or 002
to the left of the now line. While these measurements may not seem
much they make a hugh difference to timing. Whenever you move
parts and snap them to grid bar/beats or them selves, they move
out of time.

(answer:) You can ignore the small offset. It is correct, because PARIS requires an
80 samples grid to mix 16 and 24 bit files in a project, and that is the
small offset. We will relax this in the future.

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